
A product of the New Order DAO

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Introducing: The Frogs Anon SubDAO

Frogs Anon was founded in April 2022 to publish DeFi research from a diverse and decentralized group of contributors. Members have produced high quality content for eight months now, often anticipating emerging narratives, and we have since expanded to writing professional-grade reports for some of the most impressive protocols in decentralized finance.

Today, we’re excited to announce that Frogs Anon will be reorganizing as an official SubDAO of New Order. As creators in Web3, we want to blur the line between producers and consumers, and formalizing ourselves as a SubDAO is a natural step in that direction. It will give us more room to involve the community in decision making and adapt to the collaborative future of content creation.

So what will this look like?

Three things:

  1. Greater contributor involvement: We want this to be run more like a collective, with contributors having a meaningful say in governance and content ideation. The first step here will be monthly SubDAO meetings that are open to the public.

  2. Public Bounties: Some portion of our content will come from content bounties, with rewards voted on democratically by SubDAO members. Look for announcements on this as early as next week.

  3. More DAO content: In addition to the research we do on DeFi, we want to focus more on the DAO space - what DAOs are attempting in 2023, who is leading the charge, and how readers can go from passive users to active contributors. We want this content to not only present work that other people are doing, but also talk about our communities and how you can get involved.

And how can you get involved in this community?

Here are two things you can do:

  1. Join the monthly SubDAO call on the New Order work server. Anyone can join, and active contributors can participate in discussing agenda items. This is where you can get more involved in content ideation and planning for the future of Frogs.

  2. Become a paid contributor. If you have something you’d like to write - DeFi research, formal reports, or a general crypto article - pitch it through the submission page. Or if you have questions about what to write, join us in the Frogs Anon Discord .

Also, feel free to drop us a line on Twitter, Discord, or Telegram, with any questions or comments. Thanks for reading, we’re looking forward to working both for and with you in 2023.

Published on Jan 17 2023

Written By:

Yield Aggregator

Yield Aggregator


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